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Moss Removal For A Safer, More Attractive Home

Moss removal

Moss. While it can be beautiful in the middle of a green forest or a lovely garden, on your home it looks sickly and ugly. For homeowners, moss is a bane as it makes their homes look old and unmaintained. Moss is more than an aesthetic detriment to your home, however- it's bad news for your home's surfaces. If you see it growing anywhere on your home, it's important to know how to remove it safely.

How Moss Hurts Your Home

Moss grows wherever it can, as long as it has sufficient moisture, and your home's surfaces are no exception. The problem with moss is that it traps a lot of excess moisture, which can soak into your home's surfaces. It also provides sufficient moisture and excellent coverage for mold, a far more dangerous hazard, to grow freely. If you've got a serious moss problem, chances are you may have a hidden mold problem too.

Moss growth is especially hazardous on your roof, as not only can it grow up under shingles and displace them, it also adds excess weight to your roof. While a little of this may not seem like much, enough roof moss can put your roof under a lot of pressure. If you've got brick, moss is bad for it too. Slowly but surely it will crumble mortar and brick if left unremoved. If you've got moss growing anywhere on your home, it has got to go!

How To Get Rid Of Moss Safely

It's important to be careful when treating moss growth on your home. Many people are tempted to manually remove moss by pulling it up with their hands, but that can leave holes or dislodge materials that have already been loosened by moss. It also doesn't eliminate spores. If spores remain on the surface, the moss will just grow back again.

If you're going to prepare the cleaning area by manually clearing most of the most first, try hand-scraping rather than pulling up the moss, as that reduces the risk of structural damage. Once you've carefully scraped away the bulk of the moss, it's time to finish the job so it doesn't grow right back.

Pressure washing or soft washing the mossy area with an anti-microbial detergent kills off any remaining moss spores. For maximum efficiency, let the detergent soak into the surfaces first, so it can reach all the spores that may have penetrated the material's surface. This will also kill any potential mold growth underneath.

If your home has a moss problem, reach out to Power Clean Pressure Wash for a free quote. Our pressure washing and soft washing services can help. We have extensive experience cleaning clients' homes of moss, mold, algae, and other substances. If you have roof moss, we especially recommend roof cleaning to rid your home of that structural hazard immediately.


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